In a Fast Coach with a Pretty Woman. Jane Austen and Samuel Johnson.
SKU: 17596
As a professor of English at California State University, Northridge, and a beloved and devoted member of JASNA SW, Dr. Gross knew her Austen well, but friends share that perhaps her greatest love was her study of Samuel Johnson. Here she shows how ubiquitous the influence of Austen's "My Dear Dr. Johnson" was throughout her writing career, and indeed in what we know of her private life from her letters to her sister. A fun analysis that shows how Austen vested her characters with passion and boldness, of interest to students of Austen, Johnson, and the history of psychological thought. This copy is in excellent condition, clean, may not have been read. The book is long out of print, very hard to find. Specially priced for our Janeite community. AMS Press, Inc. Hb, Dj. 2002. USED. $250.00
$250.00 $550.00