Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice: A Sourcebook.
SKU: 17084
A valuable introduction to Austen studies. This sourcebook contains contextual information about Austen's world and life, introduces contemporary writings (Johnson, Rousseau, Fordyce, Burney, Wollstonecraft to name just a few), covers early critical reception, reception by other novelists, and a survey of modern criticism starting in the 1940's with Harding and Daiches and ending in the early 2000's with Wiltshire and Steven Scott. There is an extensive close reading of the novel, chapter by chapter, with key passages given. There is an index, chronology, and introduction, and a very well-parsed Further Reading. Customers have chimed in that they find this book invaluable for teaching P&P. Routledge. 2005. Paper. NEW. $20.00
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