Transatlantic Women Travelers, 1688-1843.
SKU: 17119
Misty Krueger's introduction discusses how common themes are found, and a sort of sisterhood is discovered, when examining women's writings and representations of women connected to these early centuries of transatlantic travel. Women traveled throughout the transatlantic world in this time period for a variety of reasons, ranging from the terror of capture and enslavement to engaging in privileged adventure. These travelers were represented in contemporary fiction, personal records, and documented history. This collection of essays gathers stories across racial, ethnic, geographic and national divides, and groups them as "(Pseudo) Historical Women's Travels" and "Fictional Women's Travels." New perspectives are presented on gender, race, and colonialism. Contributors include Diana Epelbaum, Shelby Johnson, Grace A. Gomashie, Pam Perkins, Ula Lukszo Klein, Jennifer Golightly, Alexis McQuigge, Octavia Cox, Victoria Barnett-Woods, Kathleen Morrissey, and an afterword by Eve Tavor Bannet. Bucknell University Press. 2021. Paper. NEW. $35.00