Martha Lloyd's Household Book. The Original Manuscript from Jane Austen's Kitchen.
SKU: 17186
Introduced, with annotated transcription, by Julienne Gehrer, author of Dining with Jane Austen. With a foreword by Deirdre Le Faye. There is a generous preface that could be a standalone book, that includes biographical background for Martha, historical context and details that make Martha's book unique, and an exploration of her strong connections to the Austens. The household book is presented in facsimile, then accurately transcribed, including the original spellings and quirks. Entertaining same-page explanatory notes, a guide to reading the book, abbreviations explained, glossary, and index together ensure that you will thoroughly enjoy and understand the recipes, cures, and restoratives. The book is printed on heavy paper, with gorgeous color illustrations, box-stitched with ribbon marker. Bodleian Library, Oxford. 2021. Hb. NEW. $41.00
$41.00 $45.00