She Played and Sang: Jane Austen and Music.
SKU: 17738
Now and then a whole new facet of Austen's life seems to appear clearly to us. This is one of those books. Music and songs were important to Jane Austen. They filled her life. Her relationships with music informed her writings. Dooley, a singer herself, shares what she's found since Austen's music has been digitized and made newly accessible for research. Chapters cover the manuscripts, Austen's musical relationships, songs about the French Revolution, sea life, and songs from the theatre. Learn about the importance of music in Austen's juvenile writings and in her polished novels. A clearly written important addition to Austen studies, and irresistible to all of us fans who want to know our favorite author better. Manchester University Press. 2024, Hb, Dj. List $29.95. NEW. $25.00
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